Etobon Project Blog - Journal posts are listed below
The Etobon Project

The Etobon Project

  "Remember! 39 men from Etobon were summarily buried here, having been shot by the Nazis on September 27, 1944 against the wall of the church. They were moved to their final resting place in the Etobon cemetery on December 8, 1944."

Living in eastern France, near Germany, i learned much about the occupation of France during World War II. The experiences of my friends and neighbors led to a profound and enduring interest in this period of France's history.

The Etobon Project began as a translation of the journal of Jules Perret, blacksmith in Etobon, France, during the occupation. The story of this tiny village and its sacrifices are central to my understanding of those years. When the initial translation was completed, I began to discover addition materials in French that needed a wider audience. On these pages, you'll find translations I've done of materials provided to me that are first-hand accounts of the lives of French villagers, soldiers, and others as they navigated the reality of occupation by a cruel and merciless regime.

I hope you find these accounts as moving and enlightening as I do.

Entries in World War I (1)


The Year of Commemorations: 100 Years After World War I, 70 Years After World War II 

2014 marked 100 years since the outbreak of World War I and 70 years since the invasion of Europe by Allied troops, resulting in the liberation of much of western Europe. Around the globe, including in places like India and New Zealand, people remembered 1914 and 1944 through letters, diaries, photographs and newspaper articles. It was a year to remember the sacrifice and worldwide suffering resulting from those wars.

Some families have documents related to their ancestors' service in the wars that are in another language. Joe Atkinson's family, for example, had several newspaper articles and letters in French that they wanted to have translated so they could share them with future generations. Those who safeguard the memory of British Indian troops in World War II are glad to have access to the story of Commonwealth soldiers translated from French into English. Translation makes these important accounts available to new audiences and preserves history.

Does your family have letters, articles or journals from the World Wars that are in French? Would you like to have them translated into English? Contact me and I can provide you with a price and timetable for your translation. Understanding your family's history is important.